The last two Rumpelstiltskin drawings I have for now. I should have some more sketches coming soon. My teacher is having us do a ton of exercises with the story - so next up is a whole bunch of different deigns for a few different scenes!
I am currently taking a children's book illustration class with David Soman, and our first long term project is to do a whole bunch of different exercises with the story 'Rumpelstiltskin'. I am not a huge fan of the fairy tale, but it is definitely making me think differently about character designs.
The first project was to do a bunch of designs for the main characters, so here I have Rumpelstiltskin himself and the Miller's Daughter - who later becomes the Queen in the story.
Well, part of it anyway. I just happen to like these two a whole bunch! And that's the link to my tumblr on these, since I post things on there as well. My comic seemed to gain popularity rather quickly and was then thrown all over the internet without anyone really knowing it was me! So now I know better and put my site on everything I post. I need to come up with a signature of some sort.
I mean, seriously gurrl! Ned knows eeeeverythiiiiing! You better watch yourself!
Just some more sketches from my little sketch book! I was watching my boyfriend play Arkham Asylum, so I decided to draw Ivy, Harley and Catwoman. I don't usually draw them, but I think they look alright! And of course, Nightwing, my favorite of the Bat family! The last one is from Ben 10 - which actually seems to be a pretty decent show. I was babysitting two boys and they love it, so when they went to sleep I just kept watching it!
Hey everyone! It's been a while, like always, but I have a whole lot of stuff for you to look at!
Sorry for the mediocre scan - it's from my tiny sketchbook and that one has trouble scanning when it's close to the middle. I'll clean it up sometime soon!
The second and third parts of How Mr. Foxworth made ALL of the pancakes! I loved this assignment. We had to make 3 illustrations that went one after the other for a kids' book. It didn't have to be specific to the beginning or the end of the story - just 3 consecutive images. I would definitely do this again just for fun!
I don't know exactly where this is going yet... I wanted to end up making it a print with the four corners filled up ( Left to right: Amy, the TARDIS, a Weeping Angel and finally a Dalek), but I like the image with him alone as well. Maybe I will do both! Surprise!
I can't seem to escape fairy tales this year for whatever reason! Anyway, this was for my Childrens' Book Illustration class. We had to illustrate one of Aesop's fables- So I chose 'The Fox and the Grapes'. ...I like foxes! Done in Prismacolor Marker (it's been a while!)
When the thesis is complete... maybe THEN I will have some work to show you! I know I will, but everything has just been so stressful recently. UGH. APRIL FIRST CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH.
Hey everybody, sorry for the lack of update (it's been over a month! Yeesh...) but I have been working on so many things and have not had much time to do any scanning :/. Oh well - BUT, today I have TWO new things for you to see!
The one on top is the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. The Little Dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon". I am taking a childrens' book illustration course this semester and that was our first project. I haven't gotten any crit on it yet, though because we have had 2 cancelled classes in a row :c. This week should go well though :)
The second image is my last piece for my Sci-Fi class with Donato. It's Hamlet as a robot! And yes, I was heavily inspired by The Flight of the Conchords.